What does こんにちは (Konnichiwa) mean? Hey 'こんいちわ' is misspelling, it says "こんにちは" (konnichiwa) It is really difficult in japanese to say misspelling. What does こんにちは mean in English? Relevance. What is the true meaning of "Wa o motte tōtoshi to nasu"? Answer Save. よろしくお願いします。 Japanese (language): What does "Shachiku" mean? Konnichiwa can mean either 'hello' or 'good day'. John Howe, E Cig battery. What does こんいちわ mean in English? こんにちは。 「意味」は meaning と言います。 他に mean で「意味する」なので、下記のような表現もできます。 【例】 What does this word mean? Usually, it can be used as the Japanese word for saying “hi” or “hello” However, what it actually means is “good afternoon” And what is the translation for "ataru" in yhis case? 「この単語はどういう意味?」 ぜひ参考にしてください。 If you want to learn こんにちは in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Japanese to English. What is こんにちは mean? Oh,and please tell me without telling me to go to a … 6 answers. What does that mean?? Please tell me! Answered August 19, 2015. Konnichiwa こんにちは is one of the first Japanese greetings you will learn. Be the first to answer! Can I say this in a positive situation? The Japanese, “お疲れ様,” literally meaning, “You look tired!” The 様 part, which appears in a lot of these greetings/idioms, is hard to explain in English, but it stems from the Japanese の様 (“no yo,” or, “as if”), which denotes an observation on the part of the speaker. こんにちは, 私の名前は Paul と私はニューヨークから. I know it is similar to "what goes around comes around" or "karma will get you" but I want to know does it relate to positive karma, negative karma, or both? こんにちは。 お元気ですか ????? アンディこんにちは (andi konnichiwa) simply means 'Hello Andy'. What does it mean? Need to translate "こんにちは、あなた" (Kon'nichiwa, anata) from Japanese? It's especially helpful when stressing appreciation or making an apology. What does this mean in english? 「この単語はどういう意味?」 What is the meaning of this word? ? こんにちは!What does "bachi ga ataru" mean? Favorite Answer. 5 answers. こんにちは。 にほんは はる です。 ... What does this mean in Spanish? 10 years ago. We hope this will help you in learning languages. DOMO is a word used to stress your feelings, but you can use it in other ways, too. What is a fluent english speaker? what does that mean??? Konnichiwa is a Japanese word and usually relates to greeting like Good Day or how you going in english. What does “Ibeji” mean? 7 Answers. Is it true that English is one of the hardest … Asked by Wiki User. Also, the name アンディ could be Andy or Andi. You may have already heard of this before you started learning Japanese. palash909. Becouse "は" this character basically they pronounce "ha" some this they pronounce "wa". What does iykyk mean? What does this picture say or mean? 5 answers. モロッコの新プラント - Ficosa こんにちは ラバト! Here's what it means. Hello , my name is Paul and I am from New York. DOMO means "very".